• Rio de Janeiro Brasil
  • 14-18 Novembro 2022





The hamburger is a widely consumed food, high in fat and calories. The objective of the study was the elaboration of beef hamburger added with corn flour as a way to add nutritional value to the product. The physical-chemical analyzes took place at the IFTO Food Laboratory and followed the methodology of the Adolfo Lutz Institute. Treatments were carried out with different concentrations of 0%, 5% and 10% of corn cob flour incorporated in the preparation of hamburgers. The 10% corn cob flour formulation presented an average of carbohydrates above the recommended in the referred legislation. The addition of corn cob flour in the proportions of 5% and 10% significantly interfered with the values of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.

Palavras chaves

Agro-industrial Waste; proximal analysis; Fiber


The hamburger is a widely consumed industrialized meat food that has a high content of saturated fat and caloric value (FERREIRA, 2019). Excessive consumption of these fats causes an increase in cholesterol and triglyceride levels, causing cardiovascular diseases, obesity, diabetes, cancers and other chronic diseases (HAUTRIVE et al., 2008; ORTIGOZA, 2008). The use of vegetable fibers such as oats, linseed, cassava, peas, sesame, wheat, starch, etc. are alternatives that are being researched to reduce the saturated fat content of animal origin in hamburgers (ROCHA, 2015). The use of fiber in the nutritional increase of the hamburger can collaborate to reduce the saturated fat content and caloric value, preserve the texture, improve the emulsion and water retention, benefiting yield and producing a reduction in the costs for the preparation of meat products. (FERREIRA, 2014). As one of the alternatives for obtaining the fibers appears the corn cob. Currently, corn on the cob is defined as waste being used mainly for animal feed on a small scale, providing the underutilization of this part of the food. The development of corn cob flour makes it possible to use a raw material rich in fibers, with a high content of minerals, and allows its use in meat products (FERREIRA, 2014). The inclusion of corn cob flour in hamburgers is a valid option, however, these flours must offer the consumer a product of good nutritional and sensory quality (FASOLIN et al., 2007). In this way, the present study aimed at the elaboration of beef hamburger added to corn cob flour as a way to add nutritional value to the product.

Material e métodos

Raw materials: beef (85%), textured soy protein (4%), water (9%), sodium chloride (0.9%), white pepper (0.1%), garlic powder (0.1%), dehydrated onion (0.1%), dehydrated parsley (0.3%), sodium glutamate (0.4%) and sodium erythorbate (0.1%) which were acquired by purchasing, in the local commerce of the City of Paraíso do Tocantins - TO. After acquisition, the raw materials were transported in their original packaging to the Industrial Kitchen of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Tocantins IFTO - Paraíso do Tocantins campus, where 3 (three) treatments were performed with different concentrations of 0%, 5% and 10% corn cob flour incorporated in the preparation of hamburgers with varying meat content, keeping the other ingredients constant. For the development of beef hamburger formulations, the Technical Regulation on Hamburger Identity and Quality (BRASIL, 2000) and the procedures, with modifications, recommended by Terra (2005) were followed. The physicochemical analyzes of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins were carried out in triplicate at the IFTO Food laboratory and followed the methodological procedures of the Physicochemical Methods for Food Analysis of the Instituto Adolfo Lutz (IAL, 2018). The results of the physicochemical analyzes were submitted to analysis of variance (ANOVA), and to verify if there was a significant difference in the data, the Tukey averages tests were applied at the level of 5% of significance in the variables in the SISVAR program version 5.6 (FERREIRA, 2019).

Resultado e discussão

The proximal composition of the hamburger treatments added with 0%, 5% and 10% corn cob meal is shown in Table 1 The formulations 0% and 5% of corn cob flour showed agreement with the Technical Regulation on Hamburger Identity and Quality (BRASIL, 2000). The formulation 10% of corn cob flour presented an average of carbohydrates above the recommended in the referred legislation. The addition of corn cob flour in the proportions of 5% and 10% significantly interfered with the values of carbohydrates, lipids and protein. These results may be related to the low levels of protein and moisture in the corn cob meal and the reduction in the percentage of meat for the addition of corn cob meal in the formulation. Ferreira (2014) analyzing hamburgers with the addition of corn cob flour obtained values for protein with no difference between treatments. Santos Junior; Rizzatti and Brungera (2009), analyzing hamburgers, also found protein levels between 18.94% and 20.94%, with no difference between treatments. Traditional hamburgers had lipid content between 14.28% and 20% (MARQUES, 2007; TAVARES et al, 2017). Madruga et al (2007) obtained 14.28 and 19.64% of lipids for hamburgers made with sheep and goat meat, respectively. Marques (2007) performing analysis on samples of bovine hamburgers made with different percentages of oat flour found a great variation in the levels of carbohydrates, with the percentage of 2.82% of carbohydrate found in the formulation with 0% of oat flour and the percentage of 15.02% for the formulation containing 25% oat flour. Fernandes and Pizato (2019) added sorghum flour to beef burgers obtained better yield for cooking characteristics, showing higher yield and lower shrinkage.

Table 1. Proximal composition of the elaborated hamburgers.


The addition of flour significantly altered the physicochemical analyses. The results of the physicochemical analyzes of the hamburgers made with no addition and with 5% and 10% of corn cob flour indicated an increase in the carbohydrate content and a reduction in the lipid and protein content as a result of the increase in corn cob flour. Complementary studies are necessary for its use and further research is necessary to define the best way of application in meat products.


To God, to the IFTO Paraiso do Tocantins campus


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