• Rio de Janeiro Brasil
  • 14-18 Novembro 2022





The use of innovative teaching practices in the classroom is necessary to arouse students' interest so that learning is not monotonous, mechanical and tiring. The work evaluated the production of a comic book (HQ) about the use of glassware in experimental classes in Chemistry. The study was carried out with the intention of evaluating the production of a HQ. Project fellows provided structured scripts and explanations about the names and uses of the glassworks. After the explanations, they distributed comics produced by the scholarship holders to each student. After reading the HQ, an evaluative questionnaire was applied with the following closed questions. The HQ produced helped to establish and contribute to the learning of the content, promoting a pleasant and fun atmosphere.

Palavras chaves

Chemistry Teaching; Learning object; meaningful learning


Learning objects (LO) are physical or virtual resources that contribute to the teaching, learning and knowledge of students, contributing to pedagogical practice inside or outside the classroom (ALVES, 2020). The application of learning objects in the classroom stimulates students' interest and learning in a dynamic, participatory, motivating, pleasant way, unlike fragmented, decontextualized teaching, with memorization of rules and laws where the student occupies a passive position throughout the teaching process, contributing in an unsatisfactory way to the quality of teaching and learning (OLIVEIRA et al., 2018a; OLIVEIRA et al. 2018b). Comic books (HQs) are one of the options offered as learning objects that can collaborate with the teaching-learning process of students, enabling the development of Chemistry content in a simple way through drawings and creative stories close to the student's daily life (GONÇALVES et al. al. 2019; OLIVEIRA et al. 2019). The mixture of words with images narrated through the story presented in a fictitious or real way can provoke the reflections of student readers and be explored by the teacher for discussion, illustration of an idea, presentation, problematization and contextualization of scientific content at all levels of schooling. (LEITE, 2017; SALAPATA; PERES, 2017). Teachers must be aware of the potential and use strategies of comics, so that they do not understand them as a mere resource for storing information for students' fun and entertainment (BORGES, SÁ, LUZ Jr, 2021). Given the above, the present work evaluated the production of comics (HQ) on the names, usability and applicability of glassware used in experimental classes in Chemistry.

Material e métodos

The study was carried out in an exploratory and descriptive way with a quantitative approach (GIL, 2008) with the intention of evaluating the production of a comic book developed for teaching recognition, usability and applicability of glassware used in experimental activities in Chemistry classes. The research was carried out at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Tocantins IFTO Paraíso do Tocantins campus during the extension project expanding the teaching of chemistry through comics in public schools involving 40 students of the 1st year of high school from State College Dr. Valdecy Pinheiro, located in the city of Rio dos Bois. The students visited the IFTO Paraíso do Tocantins campus to see the glassware and equipment of the General Chemistry laboratory. During the stay in the laboratory, two moments were performed. In the 1st moment, the grantees of the project provided a structured script and explanations about the names and use of the glassworks. In the 2nd moment, after the explanations and collection of the structured scripts, a HQ (Figure 1), produced by the scholarship holders, was delivered to each student involving the nomenclature, usability and applicability of the basic glassware used in classes in the Chemistry laboratory. For the production of the comics, image editing and digital illustration software, digitizing table, and websites about creating comics were used. After reading the HQ, an evaluative questionnaire was applied with the following closed questions: 1. When did you learn more about the content taught? 2. Did the HQ contribute to the learning of the content? 3. Do you approve of HQ as a teaching strategy? 4. Can HQ contribute to the teaching of Chemistry concepts in a clear and uncomplicated way?

Resultado e discussão

According to graph 1, 70% of the students learned more about the content taught by reading the HQ. The use of HQ as a methodological strategy provided significant learning. According to Nunes and Lima (2020), the contextualization of the proposed problem situations facilitates the association of concepts, providing an understanding of how chemistry is present in everyday life. Regarding the contribution of HQ to content learning, 70% stated that there was a contribution to content learning. According to Klein and Barin (2019), the use of comics as a pedagogical resource is an innovative resource in the use of chemistry teaching and learning. When asked about approving the HQ as a teaching strategy, there was an approval of 75% and there was a contribution of 75% in teaching the subject of Chemistry in a clear and uncomplicated way using the HQ. Cardoso et al. (2022) performing activities in the teaching of Chemistry with HQS in high school found rates of 79.2% for facilitation and understanding of the chemical concepts studied and 66.7% innovative experience. Gomes et al. (2017), proposing the construction of comics by public school students to learn chemistry concepts, obtained fun learning results and ease of acceptance of student content by students. Leite (2017), investigating the use of two digital tools in the preparation of comics by students, also found favorable results for the use of comics as a strategy for teaching chemical concepts and the possibility of different learning contexts. Da Silva et al, (2016) using an LO for teaching about laboratory glassware, declare that the influence of LO exerts on students makes the teaching and learning process easier and more dynamic.

Figure 1. HQ produced

Graph 1. HQ evaluation


This work addressed an action carried out with students from the 1st year of high school evaluating a comic book (HQ) produced on the glassware used in the experimental classes. The evaluation presented satisfactory results, where all the evaluated items presented values ​​equal to or greater than 70% of approval. The HQ produced helped to establish and contribute to the learning of content on recognition, usability and applicability of glassware and equipment, used in the experimental activities of Chemistry classes, promoting a pleasant and fun atmosphere.


TO GOD, to the IFTO Paraíso do Tocantins campus


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