• Rio de Janeiro Brasil
  • 14-18 Novembro 2022





Chemistry teaching in Brazil is mostly traditional and lacks understanding of a problem situation. One possibility of reversing this context is the use of an innovative methodology in a dynamic and relaxed way. The work proposed the evaluation of the game "Periodic Trail" by students of the 1st Year of High School, as an instrument for teaching the periodic table, name of chemical elements and their symbols, classification of elements and periodic properties. Questionnaires were applied before and after the game. Values equal to or greater than 80% were observed in all items evaluated after the application of the game, showing a great acceptance and contribution of the playful activity to a significant learning about the periodic table content.

Palavras chaves

Game; Chemistry teaching; Learning object


Chemistry teaching in Brazil is mostly traditional based on lectures based on the textbook as the main pedagogical means, without any relation to the student's daily life, content taught in a repetitive way almost always requiring memorization, low cognitive levels and lack of knowledge. understanding of a problem situation (LOBATO et al., 2019; MENDES et al., 2019). Some school environments reflect students' dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction, making meaningful learning impossible, privileging inappropriate abstraction, self- indulgence discouraging student research and participation (LOBATO et al., 2019; MENDES et al., 2019; SANTOS et al., 2019). One possibility of reversing this context is the use of an innovative methodology, teaching content in a dynamic and relaxed way, allowing increased student motivation, arousing more interest in learning the content taught (LOBATO et al., 2019). Playful games applied to the teaching of chemistry can help the teaching-learning process by promoting an engaging environment with learning of various skills and can intensify the performance of students in content with learning problems, healthy competitiveness contributing and influencing the training of students, integrating practice to a serious production of knowledge (LEÃO et al, 2019; SANTOS et al., 2019). The moment the game is considered fun, the student acquires knowledge in a pleasant way, arousing interest in certain content in which he offers resistance (FERNANDES et al., 2019). Thus, it is proposed to evaluate the game "Periodic Trail" for teaching periodic table, name and classification of elements by students of the 1st year of high school.

Material e métodos

The study was carried out quantitatively (GIL, 2008), following a methodology adapted from Souza, et al. (2016). The game was applied at the Rui Brasil Cavalcante High School, Cidade de Miranorte, Tocantins. The sample consisted of 20 students from the 1st grade morning class MB 23.04. Styrofoam (100cm x 50cm x 2cm), 5 pins, colored EVA sheets, two numerical data (5cm x 5cm x 5cm) and question (chemical element name, physical state at 25°C, representative or transition, natural or artificial, period, family) glue, scissors and black marker and ruler for making the game. Houses (5cm x 5cm) were made by tracing vertical and horizontal lines on the styrofoam sheet, to represent the chemical elements arranged in family and period with different EVA colors. The students received instructions on how to use the game where: alkali metal, if you get it right, go 3 spaces ahead; alkaline earth metal moves back 3 spaces on a miss; noble gases, if wrong, goes back to hydrogen; halogen if right, advance to the next alkali metal; chalcogen loses its turn. Questionnaires were applied before and after the game. The application before the game served to assess students' knowledge with the following questions: Do you know the organization of the periodic table? Do you have trouble consulting the periodic table? Do you find periodic table content difficult? After completing the game, the students were asked the following questions: Did the game contribute to the learning of the content? Did the game help to clarify doubts about the periodic table? After playing the game, was there a better understanding of the periodic table? Do you approve of the playful approach used? to evaluate the applied methodology.

Resultado e discussão

Graph 1 informs the answers to the students' questionnaires. Figure 1 represents the applied periodic track game. According to the results observed in Graph 1, the questionnaire applied before the game showed that 65% did not know the organization of the periodic table, 60% had difficulties in consulting the periodic table and 75% of the interviewees considered the content on the periodic table difficult. These percentages demonstrate the need to use teaching methodologies that produce significant learning. Mendes et al. (2019) found a percentage of 54% of students who were unaware of the organization of the periodic table. Cesario et al. (2013) it was observed that only 4.5% of the students interviewed correctly answered the way in which the elements are arranged in the Table. The questionnaire applied after playing the game showed that 80% considered that the game contributed to the learning of the content, 85% said the game helped to clarify doubts about the periodic table, 90% attested that after playing the game there was a better understanding on the periodic table and 80% approved the playful approach used. Through the analysis of the application of the didactic game, it was observed that the playful approach performed presented values equal to or greater than 80% in all questions questioned after the application of the game, evidencing a great acceptance and contributing to a significant learning about the table content. periodic. Fernandes et al. (2019), Lobato et al. (2019), Mendes et al. (2019) corroborate the results obtained in the research, as these authors performing playful activities on the periodic table with high school students observed that their learning was favored by the games applied.

Graph 1. Questionnaire applied to students

Figure 1. Periodic Track Game


It is concluded that the periodic trail game presented values equal to or greater than 80% in all the questions asked after the application of the game, showing a great acceptance and contributing to a significant learning about the periodic table content. The playful approach fixed and evaluated the students' learning about the Periodic Table and the chemical elements, becoming an alternative teaching strategy for reorganization, retention and way of transmitting knowledge in a relaxed and pleasant way, inducing the student to reflection and construction of knowledge.


TO GOD, To the IFTO Paraíso do Tocantins campus


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FERNANDES, G.S.; COSTA, A.N.S.; SILVA, J.P.; SILVA, A.N.; MELLO, T.; FANTINELL JÚNIOR, M.; LEÃO, M.F. Jogos didáticos como ferramenta que auxilia o ensino da tabela periódica para estudantes do 1º ano do ensino médio. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE QUIMICA, 59., 2019, João Pessoa. Anais Eletrônicos [...]. João Pessoa, 2019. Disponível em: https://www.abq.org.br/cbq/2019/trabalhos/6/1615-28116.html. Acesso em: 23 jun. 2022. Acesso em: 10 maio. 2022.

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LEÃO, M.F.; FANTINELL JÚNIOR, M.; COSTA, A.N.S.; ALVES, A.C.T. Jogos didáticos no ensino de ciências: maneira diferenciada de ensinar e aprender sobre poluição. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE QUIMICA, 59., 2019, João Pessoa. Anais Eletrônicos [...]. João Pessoa, 2019. Disponível em: http://www.abq.org.br /cbq/2019/trabalhos/5/956-27759.html. Acesso em: 21 maio. 2022.

LOBATO, C.C.F.M.; SOUZA, R.B.P.; OLIVEIRA, J.S.; CORRÊA, S.M.V. Corrida periódica - uma metodologia alternativa para o conteúdo tabela periódica no ensino médio. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE QUIMICA, 59., 2019, João Pessoa. Anais Eletrônicos [...]. João Pessoa, 2019. Disponível em: https://www.abq.org.br/cbq/2019/trabalhos/6/16
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MENDES, M. H. de S.; MEDEIROS, I. G. de; ALBUQUERQUE, S. M. de; MIRANDA, I de S.; MIRANDA, A. M. S.; REIS, M.; OLIVEIRA, M. S. de; SILVA, S.; CRUZ, J. N. da. A utilização de jogo didático como ferramenta pedagógica no ensino de tabela periódica. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE QUIMICA, 59., 2019, João Pessoa. Anais Eletrônicos [...]. João Pessoa, 2019. Acesso em: 10 maio. 2022. Disponível em: https://www.abq.org.br/cbq/2019/trabalhos/6/1570-25083.html. Acesso em: 23 jun. 2022

SANTOS, C.S.J.; GOIS, E.C.M.; MOURA, J.S.S.; DA COSTA, F.B.; ROCHA, R.L.P. aplicação do jogo de tabuleiro ‘corrida maluca de hidrocarboneto’: uma proposta de caráter lúdico no ensino de química. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE QUIMICA, 57., 2017, Gramado. Anais Eletrônicos [...]. Gramado, 2017. Disponível em: https://www.abq.org.br/cbq/2017/trabalhos/6/12338-25036.html. Acesso em: 10 maio. 2022

SOUZA, C.de C. B. de; FROTA, R. C.; PEREIRA, M. Q.; GONÇALVES, J.; SOUZA, E. C. de; SILVA E SOUZA, S. H. da; SILVA, A. dos S. O jogo didático corrida na tabela periódica como proposta alternativa para o ensino de tabela periódica. In: SIMÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE QUÍMICA, 14., 2016, Belém. Anais Eletrônicos [...]. Belém, 2014. Disponível em: http://www.abq.org.br/simpequi/2016/trabalhos/90/8897-22213.html#. Acesso em: 10 maio. 2022

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Royal Society of Chemistry
Elite Rio de Janeiro


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