• Rio de Janeiro Brasil
  • 14-18 Novembro 2022





The fragmented, decontextualized teaching of chemistry, absence of experimental activities, mechanical learning is the reality in some Brazilian schools. The study sought answers to the difficulties presented in the discipline of Chemistry by high school students in state schools. The elaboration of the work took place in three state public schools located in the municipality of Paraíso do Tocantins. As an instrument for collecting information, a questionnaire with closed questions was used. According to the survey carried out in schools, calculations and application of mathematical content, difficulty concentrating when studying, lack of practical classes and difficulty in interpreting questions are identified as the main difficulties in the learning process in chemistry.

Palavras chaves

Decontextualization; Experimentation; Mathematical calculations


The fragmented, decontextualized teaching of chemistry, memorization of rules and laws, absence of experimental activities, lack of interest in the content taught, mechanical learning, an illusory view of science is the reality in some Brazilian schools (LIMA; MARCONDES, 2011). The content taught in a decontextualized way makes it difficult for students to understand the meaning of what they study, which can arouse disinterest and demotivation, making it difficult for individuals to exercise citizenship and develop each person's potential (LUZ et al. 2019; SANTOS et al, 2019). Students who do not feel motivated or understand the need for teaching chemistry, but also have difficulties in: concentrating on studies, such as calculations and interpretation (BELO et al., 2019) Students have difficulties in learning and understanding the contents of the Chemistry discipline, as some teachers teach traditional classes without contextualizing the content and lack of interdisciplinarity, generating in students a great lack of interest in chemistry, as well as difficulties in learning and associating the content taught with everyday life (XAVIER et al, 2022). In this way, it is necessary to search for alternatives that transform mechanized teaching, where the student is no longer a listener of information and becomes an agent in the learning process, since the practice of teaching provides experience in which it is possible to contextualize scientific concepts (TAVARES et al, 2019). Therefore, the objective of the study was to search for answers to the difficulties presented in the contents of the Chemistry discipline presented by the students of the 2nd year of High School from three state schools in the Municipality of Paraíso do Tocantins.

Material e métodos

The study carried out was of a quantitative nature, which aims to convert the research data into numbers and percentages, quantify them and convert them into objective information (LÜDKE; ANDRÉ, 2013). The elaboration of the work took place in three (3) state public schools located in the Jardim Paulista, Pouso Alegre and Setor Oeste neighborhoods in the municipality of Paraíso do Tocantins. As an instrument for collecting information, a questionnaire with closed questions was used. Google Forms was used as a data collection instrument with the following questions: What grade are you enrolled in? Do you feel motivated to study Chemistry? How do you classify the learning of the subject of chemistry? What is (are) the difficulty (s) that prevent you from learning in the subject of chemistry in high school? The form was sent via Google Forms link in WhatsApp groups, with 100 questionnaires answered by the students participating in the research during the Supervised Curricular Internship II, in the first semester 2022, by the academics of the 5th period of the Degree in Chemistry to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students from the three (3) state schools to help develop a profile of difficulties in learning the chemistry content taught by teachers in schools. In order to verify if there was a significant difference between the research and the results found by Bastos et al. (2017), Noronha et al. (2018), Santos et al. (2019) and Tavares et al. (2019) analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied and the Tukey test at a 5% significance level was applied to the means of the response variables.

Resultado e discussão

According to the results shown in graphs 1, 2, 3 and 4, 43% of the students interviewed are enrolled in the 1st Grade, 25% are enrolled in the 2nd Grade and 32% are enrolled in the 3rd Grade. Graph 2 informs that 65% of the students interviewed are not motivated to learn chemistry, while 35% feel motivated to study chemistry. Graph 3 clarifies that 49% classify learning in the chemistry discipline as average, 38% as difficult and 6% as easy. Regarding difficulties that prevent learning in chemistry in high school, graph 4 indicates that 24% cited calculations and application of mathematical content, 20% difficulty concentrating when studying, 19% lack of practical classes, 14% interpreting the questions, 12% complex content and 11% claim that the teacher leaves something to be desired in explaining the content. There was no significant difference (p > 0.05) between the results found in the questionnaire and the authors mentioned. Bastos et al. (2017) highlight those students do not like the subject of chemistry because of its difficulty in understanding, lack of motivating teaching strategies and lack of experimental activities. Santos et al. (2019), cite the mathematical basis and attention deficit as the greatest difficulties in learning chemistry. According to Tavares et al. (2019) the complexity of the content, methodology applied by the teacher, basic knowledge of mathematics and attention deficit are the main learning difficulties pointed out by students. According to Noronha et al. (2018), the methodology used by the teacher is a reason that influences the increase in difficulties, as they end up emphasizing the memorization of formulas, prioritizing calculations and devaluing the experimentation and construction of students' scientific knowledge.

Graphs 1, 2, 3 and 4. Questionnaire response


According to the survey carried out in schools, the calculations and application of mathematical content, difficulty in concentration when studying, lack of practical classes and difficulty in interpreting the questions are pointed out as the main difficulties in the learning process in chemistry, and this knowledge is important in all curricular components, so there will be a need for new teaching strategies that contribute to arouse students' motivation and interest in the discipline of chemistry


To God, to the IFTO Paraíso do Tocantins campus


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LIMA, V. A. MARCONDES, M. E. R. Saindo Também se Aprende - O Protagonismo como um Processo de Ensino-Aprendizagem de Química. Química Nova na Escola. v.33, n.2, p. 100-104, 2011.

LÜDKE, M.; ANDRÉ, M. E. D. A. Pesquisas em educação: uma abordagem qualitativa (2ª ed). Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Editora Pedagógica e Universitária. 2013.

LUZ, J.A.P.; LIMA, A.M.; SILVA, C.R.P.; NEVES, K.S.; VENÂNCIO, M.J.C. (UFCG) ; CRUZ, J.F.S.; MELO, L.M.; SANTOS, M.J.S.; NETO, M.H.L. Dificuldades enfrentadas no processo de ensino-aprendizagem em química por alunos da 1ª série do ensino médio. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE QUIMICA, 58., 2019, João Pessoa. Anais Eletrônicos [...]. João Pessoa, 2019. Disponível em: https://www.abq.org.br/cbq/2019/trabalhos/6/1418-28028.html. Acesso em: 30 jun. 2022

NORONHA, A.J.L.; SILVA, A.A.; CASTRO, K.K.V. Dificuldades dos/das estudantes no aprendizado de conteúdos de química: uma experiência a partir da cidade de Upanema- RN. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE QUIMICA, 58., 2018, São Luis. Anais Eletrônicos [...]. São Luis, 2018. Disponível em: https://www.abq.org.br/cbq/2018/trabalhos/6
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TAVARES, R.; SANTOS, L.L.M.; SANTOS, E.V.B.; CORREIA, P.R.S.; LIMA, L.C.B.; FRANÇA, S.B.; DAVI, L.B.O.; CUNHA, C.R.S.; LIMA, D.J.P. Principais motivações e dificuldades de aprendizagem no ensino de química de alunos de uma escola pública na cidade de Olho d’água das Flores – AL. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE QUIMICA, 58., 2019, João Pessoa. Anais Eletrônicos [...]. João Pessoa, 2019. Disponível em: https://www.abq.org.br/cbq/2019/trabalhos/6/1882-14696.html. Acesso em: 30 jun. 2022

XAVIER, R.P de S.; QUINTELA, S.A; JACINTO JÚNIOR, S.G; PIRES, A.M.L Análise das dificuldades dos alunos do componente curricular de química a partir dos conteúdos abordados no ENEM. Pesquisa, Sociedade e Desenvolvimento , [S. l.] , v. 10, n. 15, pág. e555101523523, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i15.23523. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/23523. Acesso em: 19 jun. 2022.

Patrocinador Ouro

Conselho Federal de Química

Patrocinador Prata

Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico

Patrocinador Bronze

LF Editorial
Royal Society of Chemistry
Elite Rio de Janeiro


Federación Latinoamericana de Asociaciones Químicas Conselho Regional de Química 3ª Região (RJ) Instituto Federal Rio de Janeiro Colégio Pedro II Sociedade Brasileira de Química Olimpíada Nacional de Ciências Olimpíada Brasileira de Química Rio Convention & Visitors Bureau